FRIEZE Fashion and Art Summit

I attended the FRIEZE Art academy Fashion and Art Summit 2019. The speakers ranged from various contemporary designers and artists. I found it interesting that most of these designers and artists were more than just their titles. They worked in a variety of mediums, from DJS to furniture artists, their day job wasn’t the ordinary. I loved listening to Samuel Ross from A cold wall discuss the future of his brand and the maturing of not only himself but the consumer and the future of luxury Streetwear as it converges commercially. I was introduced to the artist Sag Napoli. Although not within my study of Streetwear – her instagram art was VERY interesting as she posts video with a strong meaning behind them. I have seen influencers within Streetwear do a similar video style posting to show their outfits instead of the simple fit picture. I listened to Charles Jeffery discuss his work style, walking through the city of London, listening to music to gain inspiration. I realized that’s why I see him 2 times a week in Hackney just aimlessly walking. Paria Farzaneh discussed her relationship to menswear, which was eye opening to see how a female designer feels in the big male dominated industry. This hands down was one of the most inspiring talks I had attended in quite some time and I will be attending in 2020.

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