I met with Natalie Grogan and Lucas Shrovon from ALL EYES. As Natalie is an LCF Alumni who was focused in the start up world, it was very interesting meeting with her and her boyfriend who is her co-founder of ALL EYES. We met at Soho House and I went through the concept and deck of my mobile application from term 1. We went over potential accelerator programs such as HFarm in which Depop made an impact, Enterprise model data within the app, creating a newsletter hinting for new features releasing requests, community involvement in the news portion of the app, News aggregators as a whole, and promotions to make cash flow within events. We realized a way of revenue in the future can be collection of data from the app to sell to potential companies as insight – as the consumer is extremely niche and desired by both high street and luxury brands. I have been offered a place as an internship this June with All Eyes to learn about what it takes to make a start up, as well as partake in streetwear photography during fashion week.