During a discussion with my mother who is an art director, I asked about typography – something that was never taught to me during my BA, but I was interested during the rebranding of YOUNIFORM. I had barley worked in Adobe Illustrator, and wanted to adventure into the world of font. As an avid documentary watcher, she recommended I take a look at the Netflix Series Abstract. The famous typography designer Jonathan Hoefler, discussed the basis of typeface design, as well as previous famous projects he had worked on. I was inspired, as he walked around New York City, I thought of this time last year, when I was there, visiting the Public Theater (a project he worked on), and walking past the tiffany display on 5th street near my grandfather’s apartment on 62nd and 5th. It was interesting how easily he recognized fonts through various interfaces in the world around him. I then became hyperaware, driving through Los Angeles, looking at street art, billboards and large store signage (something my boyfriend had focused on during his photo series he produced while visiting me). While my boyfriend visited me in Los Angeles, he studied Graphic Design at Chelsea. We discussed the rebranding of YOUNIFORM’S font. He showed me how to change and design my own lettering in Illustrator (and I also watched a few tutorials online to further challenge myself). He also showed me some inspirational typeface designers, similar to the aesthetic I was trying to achieve. I will link them below.