Set Challenge

As my project of YOUNIFORM is a mobile application and start up business potentially that can lead to further opportunities such as a start up visa, I decided to apply for the SET challenge. Doing my research and outcome last term was the biggest help to do this application thus far. I can win up to 4,000 GBP which is very exciting and will aid towards making a MVP- Minimal Viable Prototype. Although I was given positive feedback, I did not win the competition. This competition did teach me how to verbalize my start up vision, and what it takes to apply for these competitions for the future. I will be applying for the MAYOR’s competition with a prize winning of up to 20,000 GBP, as well as the seed funding competition in May. All of this is just good practice for how to pitch my concept for future investors. It also is challenging me through how to structure my business model canvas for the future, who my consumer is in depth and the marketing that is so vital for the business.

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